Vincent counts on the most developed equipments to carry out all control and testing operations: hydraulic and pneumatic air tightness testing , dimensional control ,material control,operating and resistance testing.
① 材質成分控制 Material Control 光譜儀檢測,對材質進行化學元素分析。 Chemical analysis by spectrometer. |
② 金屬硬度測試 Metal Hardness Test 力學性能分析,特別是熱處理后的零件。 Mechanical property test especially after heat treatment. |
③ 三坐標檢測 XYZ Test 運用精密儀器對零部件進行檢測,保證零件尺寸、形狀和形位公差滿足圖紙要求。 XYZ test of tolerance and size exactly according to the drawing. |
④ 噪音測試 Noise Test 控制噪音,環境保護。 Environment protected by reducing noise of the valve. |
⑤ 金屬壁厚測試 Metal Thickness Test 壁厚測試,確保殼體承壓滿足設計要求。 Thickness test to ensure the shell resistence. |
⑥ 涂層厚度測試 Coating Thickness Test 控制涂層厚度,保證防腐蝕性能。 Anti-errosion property made assrurance by thickness test after Epoxy painting and coating. |
⑦ 扭矩測試 Torque Test 扭矩控制以適配執行器,延長使用壽命。 Torque control to adapt to suitable actuator enlength using life. |
⑧ 壓力測試 Hydraulic Tests 100%雙向壓力測試,保證閥門的密封性能。 Bi-direction test for every single piece of valve to make sure the sealing performance . |
⑨ 球化率測試 Rate of spheroidization 每批次鑄件球化率測試,不低于四級。 Test the rate of spheroidization every batch, less than level four. |
非金屬硬度測試 Rubber & PTFE & TPEE etc Hardness Test 密封件硬度測試,確保零泄漏。 Hardness test for sealing part to zero leakage. |